want and you're truly willing to do the
work. This is about fitness independence,
exercise modification, and unstoppable
fury to hit your goals:
I'll coach YOU <--- a="" for="" limited-time="" only="" open="" strong="">
In the next 12 weeks, your life can and will be
different, but it all starts with the realization
that you need help. If you're already hitting
your goals, and you feel situated with your
fat loss program, I'm ecstatic for you... and
you don't need this.
However, if you are continuing to struggle,
seem to try everything without results, and
you're worried that you're doing things wrong,
your body is different, or learning these movements
feels 'too' difficult, I'm speaking to you directly.
It's time you seek the help of a professional; it's
time you win.
I'll coach YOU <--- availability="" extremely="" limited="" strong="">
When you click one of the links in this email,
you'll see that this coaching program is WAY
different than all the rest... I'm not here to design
"a brand new" program for you... I've done this,
and it works, but only 'once' it's customized to
your needs.
The truth is that I've already taken the time to
design my best fat loss programs, and I've
published them as ASG, DEFL, and FTFL.
You probably already own at least one of these...
and too many programs to know what to do with.
END FITNESS CONFUSION <--- coach="" let="" me="" strong="" you.="">
The real question is: How do you modify the program
you already own to avoid injuries, make the exercises
doable, and adapt your program to your specific needs?
I'll coach you <--- answers.="" got="" strong="" ve="">
When you work with a true professional, you'll realize
that it's not about finding a new 'magic' fix, nor is it
about doing something vastly different than the rest of
the world. It comes down to 3 things:--->--->--->--->
- Take massive action.
- Diligence to persevere and win.
- Minor tweaks/adaptations along the way.
diligence. Provided you can fulfill #1 and #2, then
I can help you adapt any of my programs to suit
your needs, no matter what your situation... or I
won't take your money.
Pretty simple, huh?
For an extremely limited time, I'm opening the
Dr. Kareem Coaching Program. This is 3 months,
and just a one-time payment. I'll coach you until
the New Year, and I'll help you shock everyone in
Price will climb quickly, but I've added incentive
for the first few in the door... Good luck!
I'll coach YOU <--- climbs="" price="" quickly.="" strong=""> --->