Mar 5, 2013

3 Main Steps to Any Fitness Program

There are 3 main steps to any fitness program,
if you really want to be successful:
  1. Balance length, mobility, and tissue restrictions
  2. Strengthen weak segments
  3. Spike fat loss and build muscle
Balance length, mobility, and tissue restrictions:

Balancing length, mobility, and tissue restrictions is
best done through assessing where you have the limitation,
to begin with.  If you think about this from a very intuitive
perspective, just consider the following:
  • Difficulty gaining flexibility over time is a result of
    fascial restriction.
  • Difficulty moving through full range of motion of an
    exercise is a result of mobility limitations.
  • Difficulty passively lengthening a muscle (stretching and holding)
    without pain is a result of 'true' flexibility limitations.

In all cases, you need to get Mission Unbreakable.  It's the missing
solution for your fitness program, and it's important that you spike
fat loss as soon as possible. 

Strengthen weak segments:

We've been talking a lot about muscle balancing, but in reality,
this may be a confusing term for you.  Instead, consider moving
in all directions with your workout.  By moving in all directions,
you are naturally working all muscles, and all fibers of muscles. 
The only other thing to consider is speed of your movements,
which is also important, as you have various forms of muscle
fibers that interplay in the recruitment of any muscle. 

If you haven't seen this video, it explains all:

Triple M Video For Rapid Fat Loss (TM) <--- must-see.="" strong="">

Spike fat loss and build muscle:

Alternating intensity throughout your workout is an intricate
factor in your fat loss success.  This creates an EPOC effect
following each workout, meaning that your body continues to
consume oxygen, using energy, or calories, in order to do so.

This takes place for upwards of 24-72 hours following an
individual workout, depending upon the source you read
and the intensity of your workout. 

One really neat trick is to alternate body parts and move in a
3D way with every workout you.  This is the governing
philosophy taught in this video I created, which I'm sure
you'll find to be an amazing educational resource:

3D Exercise Explained <--- important.="" strong="" very="">

There you have it - Step 1, 2, and 3.  Fat loss, simplified.
