Jan 22, 2009


we show you how to successfully find and negotiate deals with suppliers on the internet.
5 tell-tale signs that a supplier is no good! Suspect that a supplier might be spinning you a yarn? All but the most cunning of scam-artists can be uncovered with our five point scammer-sniffing test.
which type of supplier should you use? Manufacturers, wholesalers, light bulk wholesalers, dropshippers, liquidators,,,Each type of supplier
has its uses and comes with its own set of pros and cons. Knowing the difference can save you a lot of time, hassle and money!
six top tips for dealing with suppliers and making sure you get a great deal
How to work out what the real wholesale price is. It's not as easy as it sounds! Know this, and you'll know when you're getting a good deal. Just be careful... there's one trap that almost every seller falls into, and it will send you barking up completely the wrong tree...
Keeping Safe — What to ask your supplier to avoid rack and ruin! These five quick questions could save you from a heartbreakingly bad deal at the hands of an Asian supplier.