Mar 24, 2014

How To Build Muscle - "Twitch" It On

How To Build Muscle - "Twitch" It On
Unusual perspective on how to build muscle without sacrificing lifestyle...

Muscle building exercise theories vary from emphasizing
only one muscle group per day or per workout, all the way to
doing Turkish Get-Ups as your entire program.  I've heard
it all, and there's merit in 'almost' all of it.  The fact is, stress
your muscles and they will grow; 'stressing' them means that
you are taking them just past their failure point, and gaining either:
  1. Muscular endurance or
  2. Muscular strength
More muscle is your natural adaptation response when you take
muscle just past it's physiological threshold.  The question is
between muscular endurance (slow twitch muscle fibers) and
muscular strength (medium and fast twitch muscle fibers.)

It's distinctly possible that you're building the 'wrong' type of
muscle fiber, and this could be hurting your results forever:

How To Build Muscle - "Twitch" It On
Unusual perspective on how to build muscle without sacrificing lifestyle...