Jan 28, 2011

Will Ovarian Cyst Can Affect Your Pregnancy and Baby?

Having an ovarian cyst during your pregnancy is nothing to worried. Base on records it is just about 1 for every 1,000 pregnant can have this condition and usually it is benign ovarian cyst which is simple to removed and often times it just disappear naturally.Benign cyst are thinly walled and filled with harmless fluid and is not dangerous.

The doctor may have been just observing you for now; until the end of the first trimester (the first 13 weeks of pregnancy).Doctor will observe you and will not advise immediate operation since you are pregnant only if the cyst is so large and cancerous. Cancerous ovarian cysts does happen only to about 1 from 25,000 pregnant women base on records.

Ovarian cysts commonly do not have danger to the condition of a pregnant woman unless the cysts enlarge and breaks apart. Rupture cyst may cause excruciating pain and annoyance during the later periods of pregnancy. Doctor can give the pregnant women an anesthesia and pain relievers to ease the pain felt from ruptured ovarian cyst because it has no bad effects to baby and to mother.

Surgery might need only when the cysts become too big and cancerous. Though a operation will not affect the baby and cause any strain on the pregnancy, surgically removing big ovarian cysts during pregnancy is not advisable unless a rupture happens. On the other hand, ovarian cysts bigger than 6 through 8 cm are often operationally discharged only if they immediately dissolve over the course of time.

When a pregnant woman is diagnose to have ovarian cysts, doctors will execute an ultrasound along with other tests just to assure that the cysts are not cancerous. Ovarian cysts during pregnancy are overwhelmingly benign and in supreme cases where rupture occurs, natural cure are available.

There are natural ways on how ovarian cyst can treat when pregnant like by altering what you eat and a whole other bunch of lifestyle factors that add to the hormonal fluctuations that are the root cause of cyst occurring and growth. The food and drinks we intake to our body is the best contributing aspects in increasing ovarian cyst.

Operation can’t make a permanent discharge of ovarian cyst because it can occur again if you never alter your lifestyle. Therefor, prevention is the best solution and it is by natural method and by arming yourself a proper education and information about the ovarian cyst. It doesn’t only aid you prevent from having ovarian cyst again but also will enhance your overall heath condition. All women should have the knowledge regarding this ovarian cyst even if they don’t have it yet.

For a complete guide and information in curing ovarian cyst naturally at home you must visit All About Ovarian Cyst.